This collection of over 170+ parking spots lists every single overnight parking spot we used while living in our Ford Transit Connect for an entire year. These spots were found through iOverlander, freecampsites.net, and word of mouth.
This is a PDF list of exact coordinates, not a labeled map. Each coordinate can be copied and pasted into your cellular map. We have labeled each spot with a date (so you can determine the season in which we parked there), as well as a color that represents whether it was free or paid. 90% of the overnight parking spots were free, and we were able to get to all these spots without a 4WD. You will also be able to see our entire USA route.
Green: Free Overnight Parking
Yellow: Free (Stealth) Overnight Parking
Blue: Paid Overnight Parking
Grey: Friend’s House or Motel
Please note— we cannot verify that all of these spots are 100% okay to park at. Things change over time, and regulations around living in a vehicle is continuing to change state by state. These are all spots that we parked at during 2020 and 2021, and we were not bothered. We cannot guarantee that you will also not be bothered.
Details: Digital PDF (and Excel sheet) containing the coordinates of over 170+ overnight parking spots from our year of USA van life. PDF (and Excel sheet) will immediately be sent to your email upon purchase.
Note: If you purchase this PDF, we would really appreciate it if you would not share it with anyone else. This collection is the result of an entire year of research, and we believe we have priced it extremely fairly. Additionally, we will not be able to offer any refunds, as we worked incredibly hard on documenting all these overnight parking spots. Please email contact@chadandclaire.com if you have any questions prior to purchasing the collection. Also, after you purchase the collection, if you have any questions about specific parking spots, we would be happy to share any additional information we know about the spot.
This collection of over 170+ parking spots lists every single overnight parking spot we used while living in our Ford Transit Connect for an entire year. These spots were found through iOverlander, freecampsites.net, and word of mouth.
This is a PDF list of exact coordinates, not a labeled map. Each coordinate can be copied and pasted into your cellular map. We have labeled each spot with a date (so you can determine the season in which we parked there), as well as a color that represents whether it was free or paid. 90% of the overnight parking spots were free, and we were able to get to all these spots without a 4WD. You will also be able to see our entire USA route.
Green: Free Overnight Parking
Yellow: Free (Stealth) Overnight Parking
Blue: Paid Overnight Parking
Grey: Friend’s House or Motel
Please note— we cannot verify that all of these spots are 100% okay to park at. Things change over time, and regulations around living in a vehicle is continuing to change state by state. These are all spots that we parked at during 2020 and 2021, and we were not bothered. We cannot guarantee that you will also not be bothered.
Details: Digital PDF (and Excel sheet) containing the coordinates of over 170+ overnight parking spots from our year of USA van life. PDF (and Excel sheet) will immediately be sent to your email upon purchase.
Note: If you purchase this PDF, we would really appreciate it if you would not share it with anyone else. This collection is the result of an entire year of research, and we believe we have priced it extremely fairly. Additionally, we will not be able to offer any refunds, as we worked incredibly hard on documenting all these overnight parking spots. Please email contact@chadandclaire.com if you have any questions prior to purchasing the collection. Also, after you purchase the collection, if you have any questions about specific parking spots, we would be happy to share any additional information we know about the spot.
This collection of over 170+ parking spots lists every single overnight parking spot we used while living in our Ford Transit Connect for an entire year. These spots were found through iOverlander, freecampsites.net, and word of mouth.
This is a PDF list of exact coordinates, not a labeled map. Each coordinate can be copied and pasted into your cellular map. We have labeled each spot with a date (so you can determine the season in which we parked there), as well as a color that represents whether it was free or paid. 90% of the overnight parking spots were free, and we were able to get to all these spots without a 4WD. You will also be able to see our entire USA route.
Green: Free Overnight Parking
Yellow: Free (Stealth) Overnight Parking
Blue: Paid Overnight Parking
Grey: Friend’s House or Motel
Please note— we cannot verify that all of these spots are 100% okay to park at. Things change over time, and regulations around living in a vehicle is continuing to change state by state. These are all spots that we parked at during 2020 and 2021, and we were not bothered. We cannot guarantee that you will also not be bothered.
Details: Digital PDF (and Excel sheet) containing the coordinates of over 170+ overnight parking spots from our year of USA van life. PDF (and Excel sheet) will immediately be sent to your email upon purchase.
Note: If you purchase this PDF, we would really appreciate it if you would not share it with anyone else. This collection is the result of an entire year of research, and we believe we have priced it extremely fairly. Additionally, we will not be able to offer any refunds, as we worked incredibly hard on documenting all these overnight parking spots. Please email contact@chadandclaire.com if you have any questions prior to purchasing the collection. Also, after you purchase the collection, if you have any questions about specific parking spots, we would be happy to share any additional information we know about the spot.